A new interview series where we highlight our amazing members and the amazing things they are doing for the osteopathic profession.
January Feature: Warren Chin, DO
By Cassandra Orr (OMS 2, M.S.) and Rachan Kolli (OMS2, M.M.S.)
Hello all, and welcome to the first feature of our new interview series, brought to you by the NYSOMS membership committee! This month, we sat down with Dr. Warren Chin to talk about his experience with Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT), NYSOMS, and the benefits of being a DO.
Dr. Warren Chin is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, practicing in Elmira, New York. He specializes in both Family Practice and OMT. In addition, he is professor at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) at Elmira, where he shares his vast knowledge of OMT with students. He is an active member of the NYSOMS. membership committee and is part of the AOA. Board of Economics. Dr. Chin attended medical school and completed his residency at the New York Institute of Technology’s New York College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM).
A unique experience as a college student drew Dr. Chin to his specialty. He recounts a time when a fellow student jumped on his back while he laid on his stomach studying. He spent years seeking treatment for his pain, which was only obtained after a visit to the office of Dr. Stanley Schiowitz. Dr. Chin was inspired after Dr. Schiowitz was able to relieve his pain in under three minutes. At that moment, he knew that he wanted to become a DO.
As an osteopathic physician, Dr. Chin continues to love that we can diagnose and treat more problems that, in his own words, “…make other physicians scratch their heads.” He is proud of the fact that osteopathic doctors can treat these problems in-office, without a need to order unnecessary, expensive testing.
In his professional life, Dr. Chin is most proud of the fact that he has developed safer, easier to learn osteopathic techniques. He has simplified both the diagnosis and treatment of sacral dysfunctions, which he can accomplish in just ten seconds! He aims to create faster techniques, so that physicians who are limited in the time that they spend with their patients can still employ OMT. in their plan of care. Dr. Chin has also written three articles on cervicogenic dizziness, demonstrating that C-1 dysfunction can cause dizziness and can be quickly fixed using his technique.
Outside of work, Dr. Chin loves to participate in karaoke. His go-to song is Sinatra’s My Way. He is also a novelist, with 1 completed work and 4 more in progress. He is currently working toward publication.
Dr. Chin started his journey with NYSOMS when his colleague, Dr. Richard Terry, invited him to his first meeting. At that meeting, Dr. Chin was unanimously elected as Vice President! Within NYSOMS, Dr. Chin values the training that the organization has offered him. Further, the annual NYSOMS convention has given him the opportunity to meet with the A.O.A. President-Elect. Dr. Chin’s favorite part of the event is the camaraderie that it offers. The organization has also served as a great source of referrals, which Dr. Chin feels has benefited both his practice and his patients.
In the future, Dr. Chin hopes to see NYSOMS expand to offer online training as well as establish an online referral system. He would also like to add a an informational section on how to bill for OMT. to the NYSOMS website.
For all these benefits and more, Dr. Chin encourages all osteopathic physicians in New York to join NYSOMS! He invites everyone to come to a N.Y.S.O.M.S. meeting, or our annual convention, to learn how to bill for OMT. With NYSOMS membership, any osteopathic physician will “…benefit a hundred-fold,” both professionally and socially. NYSOMS helps physicians compare notes and tackle medical challenges unique to the state of New York.
Dr. Chin believes that osteopathic physicians are given a gift. He states that “we are the Swiss army knife of physicians,” and that we have an extra set of tools to treat our patients. Dr. Chin asks, “if you have a sliding glass door off its tracks, does it work?” The way to fix it, he says, is to put it back on its track, which is the core of OMM.
Interested in joining NYSOMS or encouraging a colleague to join? Visit us online at nysoms.org/join and follow @nysoms1 on Instagram. Contact [email protected] with your membership questions.
If you would like to be a candidate for an interview to be featured in the newsletter, contact [email protected] with the subject line “NYSOMS Interview.”